Welcoming is an art. Whether a professional or a travelling tourist, the guest seeks rest and relaxation. The secret lies in anticipating needs before they turn into a request. Albogroup is a leading provider of professional hotel amenities. We particularly value those who know how to pamper the customer, the secret is all here.
Guests in luxury hotels
There is no such thing as just one reception. The hotels that are worthwhile are precisely those that are able to provide a response tailored to the type of traveller. The needs of a business traveller are very different from those of a family on a sightseeing trip. The former will certainly need, for example, fast connectivity for remote calls and work, while proximity to attractions as well as excellent restaurants may be among the needs of the family.
In addition to the luxury seekers who expect to find excellence, the clientele is also expanding to the new reality of digital work. There are now many professionals who are able to work remotely, with no constraints of location, so they take advantage of this to become citizens of the world. Luxury is more pleasant if it is enriched with a touch that makes one immediately at home. Quality also passes through here.
Room services in hotels
Having the opportunity to have breakfast in the room is one of the services that guests most appreciate when they stay overnight in a hotel; this is certainly combined with the perfection of the room but above all with impeccable professionalism. Certainly not everyone is able to reserve food service staff at all hours of the day and night; however, everyone is required to do something to win over the customer.
Amenities are one of the elements most considered by guests, classic disposable packaging does not always live up to impeccable hospitality. Here, the difference lies in proposing a solution that is able to meet the needs, the right products get in tune with the customer. Quality shampoos, conditioners, creams and sophisticated soaps are much more than details: a particular essence or a perfect texture make themselves appreciated.
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Ideas to impress guests at the hotel
Just by closing your eyes and concentrating on the smells, you realise how evocative olfactory memory is. The strength of fragrances lies in their ability to associate an aroma with the experience in the hotel, here the key lies in standing out through a very special sensory stimulation. Note di Testa® is the line that Albogroup dedicates to quality perfuming, this one born from the intention of associating each odour with a precise emotion.
The perfume should speak of the place where you are, this is a good way to surprise the guest in a different way. Each perfume could say more than many words: fruity essences for example could speak of summer landscapes, sugary notes are among the most romantic, and perfumes that evoke the freshness of nature speak of the earth. Can a perfume really surprise? Yes, but only if it is the right one.
Quality shampoos, conditioners and soaps in your hotel amenities
Soaps are not all the same and the customer experiences this on his skin, so it is not enough to focus on the most designer packaging if the quality of the product does not live up to its wrapping. Attention to environmental issues but above all a deep respect for the well-being of the guest are elements on which to base the choice.
The selection of amenities therefore starts with due attention to ingredients but also goes through product customisation. Liquid solutions must guarantee the safety of health-friendly ingredients that are always pleasant to use, while solid lines add the natural composition with a reduced impact on the environment. Focusing on quality means investing in solutions that respect those who use them but also the world in which we all live. This also welcomes the customer at its best.
Large, soft towels
What are guests really looking for? One might think of a few nice in-room gifts, ancillary services that others do not offer, or even the excellent quality of breakfast, the reality is that one is looking for a truly customer-friendly solution. After a bed that is conducive to a good night’s sleep, guests like towels that live up to the promised service.
Every guest is on the hunt for practical details, and the size of the towels proves to be an important detail. The quality of the fabric says a lot about the degree of customer care; an appropriately sized towel is then the pampering element after a rejuvenating shower or bath. It goes without saying that the choice of amenities participates in the service consideration; having more comfortable towels confirms the value of the solution. Quality rewards, before fashions.