Producing soaps by profession also means meeting the demands of environmentally friendly quality. Albogroup, with its experience in hotel amenities, is committed to ensuring that the product embraces the new requirements; solid cosmetics respond to the environment but also to the customer.
The expansion of the solid cosmetics market: challenges and opportunities
Talking about cosmetics in the future inevitably means embracing the issues of low environmental impact; liquid cosmetics cannot, in fact, boast of strong green characteristics: plastic packaging, massive use of water and the use of synthetic preservatives are, unfortunately, penalising elements.
Climate change and the large amount of plastic waste are realities that no longer leave one indifferent; hence the consumer has now acquired the necessary sensitivity to distinguish between green washing and a concrete commitment to support the planet.
As was the case with the advent of liquid detergents, we are faced with a new epochal change: the solid alternative is the solution that can turn things around. Here, solid cosmetics is both a field of confrontation and a new opportunity. There is still much to be done and, precisely for this reason, solid is an effective answer.
Overcoming cultural and technical barriers in solid cosmetics
The liquid formulation is associated with a well-established routine, one only has to think of a common intimate cleanser to associate it with a liquid product contained inside a plastic bottle. This brief example alone can give an idea of how habit constitutes a barrier to be overcome.
There is another fundamental element: not everyone masters the production technique and therefore quality is not always rewarded. Poor quality “experiments”, unfortunately, are a real limitation to the growth of a new habit.
Excellence is the only way forward; however, this requires a great deal of effort from the sourcing of the raw material to the production and packaging stages of the solid product. The skill lies in clearing the way for a new culture, based on sustainable consumption but without overburdening the market. The solution is possible.
Solidarity beauty: solid cosmetics at the service of the future
The recent pandemic has forced everyone to stop; the forced pause has served many to become aware of the big issues that directly affect us. The imbalance in the use of resources, the lack of concern for the Earth as everyone’s home and the disrespect for rural communities are issues that also affect the cosmetics industry.
Technology, combined with experience in production technology, is the missing link in a new cosmetics concept. Product formulations are based on the elements that nature is able to provide, which makes it possible to use zero-kilometre ingredients and to achieve a product that does not waste water resources.
Being sympathetic means not damaging ecosystems; plastic waste is among the main footprints of human life on Earth. Solid cosmetics renounces liquid formulation and rediscovers more nature-friendly packaging.
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Versatile types and applications of solid cosmetics
The secret of their potential lies in the use of natural ingredients that naturally have a low water content: this is the case with waxes, butters and oils. Hence the galenic basis of the solid solution.
The applications of the solid type range far beyond the classic cleansing soap: shower gel and shampoo of various types, solid shaving cream, make-up remover and intimate cleanser are just some of the possible applications. Solid cosmetics also prove to be more versatile than liquid: it requires less effort to transport and is there just when you need it.
Albogroup contract solid cosmetics for hotels
Decades of experience is the ingredient that provides security for customers who turn to contract manufacturing. Solid cosmetics is not only an important sector for the Bergamo-based company, but above all a true brand extension.
Whether for a hotel or any other service, being able to offer a solid cosmetic means letting your brand travel far beyond the boundaries of your own reality. The choice of a natural solution can be combined with a particular fragrance that will evoke the brand experience in the future.
Offering quality means increasing brand authority because one’s image also depends on attention to detail. Investing in green solutions and demonstrating that they can work optimally is the way to commit to embracing the needs of a more conscious customer base. This is how detail can make a difference.
The world of solid cosmetics, as highlighted by Albogroup, is booming and represents a fundamental step towards a more sustainable and responsible future. The challenge is to overcome cultural and technical barriers, demonstrating that the quality and efficacy of solid products are equal, if not superior, to traditional ones.
Albogroup, with its decades of experience and commitment to hotel amenities, has proven that it is possible to produce solid cosmetics that not only respect the environment, but also offer high quality performance.