Flexible packaging for cosmetics: what are the advantages?

Knowledge of materials and full respect for the qualities of the product to be contained, these are the prerequisites for the creation of packaging that satisfies. The flexible formula is proving to be one of the most popular solutions, especially in cosmetics, and the advantages and possible shapes are convincing more and more customers. Albogroup responds to these needs with its customised courtesy lines for hotels, a series of products specially designed to balance flexibility and security.

Here are some insights into this.

What is flexible packaging in cosmetics?

Our experience would lead us to introduce the topic from a technical point of view, the one for which we specialise in the field of packaging in cosmetics. Here we prefer instead to focus on the end of the dynamic packaging typology in order to follow a path backwards towards the main characteristics and uses of flexible packaging in cosmetics. Shapes and sizes vary, the idea of brand identity that the right packaging guarantees remains.

The format is generally under 100 mL but flexible packaging can also cover larger product volumes. Creams, soaps, bubble baths and cosmetic products are the ideal types for this type of packaging. The solutions optimise the use of plastics but above all guarantee transport-proof efficiency. It is no coincidence that products with flexible packaging are among the most popular with consumers.

What are the advantages of flexible packaging?

Although the classic rigid packaging may convey the idea of greater strength, the customer has become increasingly aware of the virtues of flexible packaging. People tend to prefer to evaluate the product before buying a larger quantity, flexible packaging offers the opportunity to test its characteristics. In reality, the meanings behind the choice may be much deeper.


As much as it is a common belief that flexible packaging also uses plastics intensively, one only has to open the classic hotel commodity to appreciate the product in quite different materials. Paper but also thin films of aluminium and even organic fibres can certainly be part of flexible packaging. These materials are selected but above all tested to ensure full safety from a hygienic and practical point of view.

Combinations are particularly successful. The aluminium in a thin layer has the function of protecting the product from light, a light plastic film enhances its waterproof insulation properties. The effect is packaging that is recyclable and, also for this reason, has a lower impact on production and disposal costs after use.

Hermetic Seal

If one considers the classic plastic bottle, this requires a larger volume but, above all, a larger amount of material to ensure its closure by means of the classic cap. Its shape is certainly efficient, but it is wasteful when it is intended for single use. The flexible packaging solution circumvents this obstacle with a simpler stratagem.

Although one thinks of the classic tear-off pack, flexible packaging allows for different sealing solutions. There may be the application of a cap, which is ideal in larger volume packages, but there may also be the use of rubber sealing. Much depends on the characteristics of the cosmetic product, each package being specially designed.

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The virtue of liquids lies in the fact that they adapt and take the shape of the container that holds them; this can be an artistically shaped bottle as well as flexible packaging. The latter thus offers the opportunity to adapt the transported liquid to space requirements. In a bag as well as inside a packaging box, the flexible formula allows the product’s transport density to be increased.

There is also a factor that goes straight to customer sensitivity: the flexible packaging allows the entire product to be used without leaving any residue inside the container. Just take the example of the classic toothpaste, its packaging allows you to squeeze it all the way through. Optimising use and reducing waste contributes to increasing brand reputation: the product proves to be closer to the customer’s needs already from the impact on consumption.

Single-dose sachets and Sachets for contract cosmetics

The typology is the one most commonly found in upscale hotel reception, the guest likes the products to be packaged perfectly when used. Maximum hygiene as well as a profound respect for the clientele are the messages that rely on this type.

Then there are the free product tests, these are the best calling card especially when launching a new cosmetic line on the market. Here it is the heat-sealing that makes the difference; quality standards must rely on ISO 9001:2016 specifications. For us at Albogroup this is the practice; quality is the secret of packaging that works.

Albogroup is a valuable partner for the production of single-dose sachets, either by customising its own lines for hotels or by directly producing products for samples and cosmetic preparations in general.

Contact us for more information on our products and services.