It is now clear that the EU wants to change habits in cosmetics and beyond to achieve more environmentally sustainable goals. Albogroup, with its experience in contract manufacturing of cosmetics, is ready for this change.
New European regulation aiming at re-use
The way forward for the near future already seems well mapped out; the orientation of the EU assembly is towards reducing the impacts of plastics on environmental ecosystems. Plastic islands in the oceans, the pollution of flora and fauna by microplastics are events that leave no other way of interpretation.
The direction is towards a drastic turnaround: on 22/11/23, 56 votes in favour, 23 against and 5 abstentions directed the European Parliament’s Environment Committee towards an adjustment of EU rules to tackle the plastics problem.
The policy of rigour has indeed raised the bar: 2027 could be the year of the farewell to single-use packaging for several products including hotel toiletries in plastic packaging. The decision is destined to mark an epochal transition between before and after: this confirms Albogroup’s vision of focusing on solid cosmetics.
Single-use cosmetic bottles and sachet containers, those commonly used for liquid hotel cosmetics, are also in the spotlight. Shampoo and shower gel packs contribute substantially to the waste of plastic by-products. Europe calls for this and the customer also confirms it.
It is no secret that recent research has revealed that 75% of customers in the UK already take everyday actions to reduce the impact of plastics on the environment. On the other side of the Channel things are not so different, there is a growing awareness of environmental issues as people recognise how much they affect their daily lives.
EU guidelines give 31 December 2027 as the deadline to adapt to a policy more akin to re-use and already by 2025 there will have to be a change in consumer policies: every customer will have to be able to adopt strategies more akin to the logic of re-use. The future is tinged with green.
Advantages of solid cosmetics
Unlike the food sector, which will essentially have to make greater use of returnable packaging, the cosmetics and beauty industry can interpret the new European regulation through a modernisation of formulations. The solution lies in solids and the many advantages they can bring.
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Lower water consumption
Where climate change sees an alternation of long dry periods and intense weather phenomena, the solid alternative provides an answer to adapt cosmetic routines. The solid industry revolutionises the impact of production on water resources: solid cosmetics require significantly less water.
Ease of storage and transport
Depriving the product of its liquid component makes it easier to store and transport, and also means clear savings in terms of plant maintenance and even higher levels of safety, which benefits companies.
The solid occupies a smaller volume; for the same weight this allows more efficient transport. The result is a much smaller impact in terms of logistics and fuel consumption.
Durability and comfort
The practical aspect is essential as the solid detergent opens up a completely different usage profile than in the past. The durability of a solid lump is far greater than that of a liquid detergent, given the same volume.
The practical aspect is combined with a particular simplicity of use to ensure not only savings in economic terms and a greener impact but also a more practical routine in everyday use.
Solid is more natural
Absence of water means no need for incisive preservation, implying less preservatives. The compositions are natural: waxes, oils and fats of natural origin are the main ingredients of the product. The formulation does not resort to traditional saponification so that the cosmetic is both effective and natural.
Albogroup and innovation in solid hotel cosmetics
Backed by more than 40 years of experience, the company puts its know-how at the service of hotels and many other businesses for cosmetics that have less impact on the environment and are in line with forthcoming EU directives. Plastic waste can indeed be combated through refillable dispensers, but the solution of the future lies in solid cosmetics.
This is why the Italian company is active in the contract production of the Solid.O Original line; this is the answer designed to guarantee high standards and drastically reduce the use of plastics. Shampoos, conditioners and shower gels can thus count on a greener future.
The future of the beauty industry is clearly geared towards sustainability and innovation, with solid cosmetics at the forefront. This trend responds not only to growing environmental concerns and EU regulations, but also to market demand for more environmentally friendly and practical products.
The transition to solid cosmetics is not only a necessity imposed by regulations, but also represents an opportunity for companies to reinvent themselves and for consumers to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. With less packaging, a longer shelf life and more natural formulations, solid cosmetics are the ideal choice for a greener future.